Top traffic exchanges you should be advertising on and getting referrals from. Also most are a great way to make additional income from. These are some of the ones I have had the best results from. See below if you are new to Traffic Exchanges.
A traffic exchange website receives website submissions from webmasters that join traffic exchange networks. The person who submitted the website then has to browse other member sites on the exchange program to earn credits, which enable their sites to be viewed by other members through the surf system. This increases the number of visitors to all the sites involved.
Most people use Traffic Exchange programs to increase their site visit rate. This practice is rather controversial as it may skew the results of website popularity. Traffic Exchange sites increase the site visit rate, on the other hand they also increase the bounce rate. Bounce rate is when traffic to a website does not stay for very long and bounces quickly out of the site.
The key to using traffic exchanges is understanding that the person will only be viewing your site for 10–20 seconds. Rather than sending the person to your website, you should be sending them to a specific advertisement designed for traffic exchanges. Use this advertisement to create curiosity about your site. The most effective are squeeze pages or splash pages, which have a simple headline, description, and opt-in form for an autoresponder.
Many traffic exchange sites do offer a number of ways that you can earn a small amount of money mostly by referring new members to their site. So not only can you increase your traffic but you can also earn a little money too.
NOTE: Google disallows using AdSense on Traffic Exchanges. Users who wish to advertise their websites on a traffic exchange but also have AdSense ads should create separate pages for advertising in traffic exchanges that do not have AdSense ads.
Most people use Traffic Exchange programs to increase their site visit rate. This practice is rather controversial as it may skew the results of website popularity. Traffic Exchange sites increase the site visit rate, on the other hand they also increase the bounce rate. Bounce rate is when traffic to a website does not stay for very long and bounces quickly out of the site.
The key to using traffic exchanges is understanding that the person will only be viewing your site for 10–20 seconds. Rather than sending the person to your website, you should be sending them to a specific advertisement designed for traffic exchanges. Use this advertisement to create curiosity about your site. The most effective are squeeze pages or splash pages, which have a simple headline, description, and opt-in form for an autoresponder.
Many traffic exchange sites do offer a number of ways that you can earn a small amount of money mostly by referring new members to their site. So not only can you increase your traffic but you can also earn a little money too.
NOTE: Google disallows using AdSense on Traffic Exchanges. Users who wish to advertise their websites on a traffic exchange but also have AdSense ads should create separate pages for advertising in traffic exchanges that do not have AdSense ads. - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, 5-Tier Referral Program. FREE Advertising!